Starting his career in 1968 as a research assistant in Usa Marine Biological Institute, he retired 10 years ago as its former director and as Professor Emeritus of Kochi University. His work on seaweed ecophysiology spanned the range of green, brown and red seaweeds, either wild or cultivated, leading to commercial cultivation methods for Enteromorpha / Ulva and Monostroma.  His vast experience provided scientific basis for seaweed bed creation and marine ranching.  He was not only generous with his knowledge but also with his passion and enthusiasm. Most importantly, he opened to the non-Japanese speaking world Japan’s rich history, scientific knowledge, technical know-how and innovative approaches to seaweed cultivation and utilization, not only by his own written work or by monumental publications, he initiated and led, but, literally bringing into Japan the rest of the world either as collaborators, students, trainees or visitors under various programs.  Nor did he just wait for them to come, he reached out by visiting many countries to learn from them; but always gifted those he had been in contact with, with the golden opportunity of learning more from him.  His influence reaches many countries of the world and many of his mentees are among the senior and upcoming seaweed researchers of the world.  Today, at 80 years of age, he remains active, leads his own Kappaphycus farming operation and has established a citizen’s volunteer organization known as the “Sea Forest Creation Promotion Association” with the aim of promoting and sharing information on seaweeds, seaweed beds and their utilization not only as measures to restore and conserve the coastal environment but also to provide benefits to society.