Apart from developing suitable cultivation methods, Dr. Shanmugam has established a well equipped R & D lab which was be recognized as “In-house R&D Center” of AquAgri by DSIR New Delhi and he was instrumental in establishing full pledged QC Laboratory. Dr. Shanmugam has developed protocols for manufacturing of hydrocolloids like semi-refined and refined carrageenan and agricultural products from seaweed and assisted the company for marketing the same. He is also coordinating product approvals and certification like NPOP, NOP and EU, OMRI & CDFA for agricultural bio-stimulants from seaweeds and ISO-22000 (2005), Halal, Kosher and FSSAI for seaweed based hydrocolloids.
Dr. Shanmugam is currently Heading R&D Division for AquAgri and guiding more than a dozen highly qualified researchers for developing new products from seaweeds. He has also research collaboration with Agriculture Universities and research institutes in India and abroad as well for developing eco-friendly agricultural products for the development sustainable agriculture.