Iain Charles Neish is a Canadian phyconomist, marine biologist and businessman who has worked with seaweeds in aquaculture systems since 1965. He followed the lead of his father, Arthur C. Neish, who played a role in development of seaweed cultivation in Nova Scotia, Canada. Since 1977 most of Iain’s career involved seaweed farm development and factory installations in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. He has also worked in the Americas, Africa, and India. More than 25 years of this work was conducted while Iain was working as consultant (then employee) of Marine Colloids (later FMC Corporation; then DuPont, now IFF) until 1996. During that time, he was project manager for seaweed farm development and for construction of the world’s first factory that made semi-refined carrageenan (SRC) in Cebu City, Philippines. From 1996-2015 Iain undertook projects with various international organizations including IFC, GTZ, USAID, AusAID FAO, ILO and UNIDO and he also undertook seaweed-related projects with several private companies. He is currently engaged with innovative seaweed business ventures in Indonesia in his role as a director of PT Sea Six Energy Indonesia and as an advisor to PT Sumber Tanaman Samudra (STS) and PT Jaringan Sumber Daya (JaSuDa.net). He is active in developing adaptive marine phyconomy for red seaweeds in tropical ecoscape villages. He lives with his Indonesian family in Bali and his field work is mainly on, under, and around the Bali Sea.